
Industry Trends

Cash Discount vs Surcharge

Processing costs can eat into the profits of many merchants. To deal with this problem, merchants need to evaluate cash discount vs surcharge.

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5 Ways in Which Businesses Get Surcharging Wrong ... and How to Do it Right

Surcharges are common in many areas of business, and yet they're also a controversial issue because so many organizations misuse them.

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When is it Appropriate to Apply a Payment Surcharge?

Surcharges are somewhat common across a range of retail contexts, and yet they are also something of a controversial and murky topic.

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What is Afterpay? Buy Now Pay Later Explained

Afterpay is a new and innovative payment option that allows customers to pay for products in a series of payments.

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10 Surefire Ways to Reduce Cart Abandonment in eCommerce Environment

Understanding why shoppers abandon their carts is essential. Checkout may be too complicated.

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What should business owners look for in credit card processing companies?

Most companies offer their services and products on credit, which means they need to find a credit card processor.

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How Do Credit Card Surcharges Affect You?

Credit card usage is everywhere these days. With inflation, even those small purchases that only used to take a few bucks from your wallet have risen in price to the point that smaller things such as fast food meals are usually paid for with a credit card. However, most people don't realize that they are paying for more than that burger and fries. They are also paying a credit card surcharge.

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Software Sales Growth with Treati

Providing quality software and increasing software sales is central to any software vendor, and Treati can help you accomplish this.

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Can Restaurants Charge Credit Card Fees?

Some restaurants are implementing a surcharge to offset the cost of credit cards. Is that legal?

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