May 30, 2023

Merchant Services

Confirm the Effectiveness of Your Processor

Merchant Services

Payment processing is essential for a business to succeed. First, you must confirm if your current processor has the solution you need for success. Your processor should save time and money and enhance business management and customer experience. A variety of features contribute to these goals that you should be aware of. 

What Should My Processor Do For Me?

Payment processors allow your business to take advantage of changing customer preferences when it comes to payments. Companies must be able to effectively and securely process card and digital transactions to survive. Providing a smooth payment system is essential for the growth of any company. 

A well-run payment system allows any business owner to run their business effectively. You can automate a variety of business operations, which will enable you to save money on labor costs and automate away a lot of human error. In addition, you can easily confirm your cash flow with a single payment system

Additionally, most consumers are willing to pay more for a better experience; your payment system can make or break this. Therefore, your payment processor should enable your business to maximize efficiency and customer experience. If this is not the case, you need to find a new payment processor. 

Confirm These Features Are Available


An essential component of any payment system is the ability to add integrations. You must confirm that your payment processor allows you to apply various integrations from inventory management to marketing. Unfortunately, many processors only allow you to use a few integrations. This enables you to streamline and automate many functions of your business

Payment Options

Your payment processor should offer a variety of payment options for your customers. Customers want their preferred payment option, and your payment processor must be able to provide a variety of options for customers to choose from. 

Reasonable Fees and Terms

Many processors charge excessive fees to their customers. This can easily cut your profits, and your processor must avoid cutting your profits with unnecessary fees. In addition, your payment processor must have flexible contract terms. With many processors, you will face early termination fees or have to pay out the remainder of your contract. 

Well Rounded System

Your payment processor should provide an all-in-one system. This makes it much easier for you to streamline your business. You can conduct various business operations with one system rather than bouncing back and forth between several different ones

Correct Scale

You also need to confirm whether your payment processor fits the size of your business. For example, some processors work better for smaller companies, while others work for large companies. 

Time Saving and Good Support

Your payment processor should save you time as a business operator. They must handle the payments so that you can focus on your business. Your provider’s system must be easy for your team to use and provides quality customer service when any issues arise with your payments system. This includes email, chat, and phone support that allows you to get the help you need quickly

Confirm These POS Standards

Your payment provider must offer your business options for a robust POS so that your business can provide payment solutions. POS hardware is central to any payment system, and your payment processor should offer various options when it comes to hardware. 

Software is another essential component of any POS system. It would help if you considered having a cloud-based system that allows your data to be backed up automatically. In addition, all software maintenance is the responsibility of your provider rather than your own staff.

Be sure to evaluate what features your business needs and confirm if the provider of your current payment allows your business to access these features. Ask your existing or potential provider questions about what they can do for your business

Check Their Security Standards

Card-not-present transactions have increased dramatically in recent years due to the rise of digital payment options. While this has been of enormous benefit to many people, there has also been a marked increase in cybercrime. As a result, both the cost of data breaches and the costs of regulation have risen in recent years. 

Your payment processor should manage payment regulations and confirm security so your business can focus on what it does best. PCI compliance is the minimum standard that your payment processor should meet. 

Suppose your business does not have PCI-compliant transactions. In that case, your company will be liable for much higher fines and will be more vulnerable to fraud. The costs for PCI compliance can vary from business to business. Because of this, many payment processors charge PCI compliance fees to their customers

Cover Your Bases With Treati

By working with Treati, you can confirm all the information you need about your payment processing needs. Our site contains helpful information about our payment solutions, pricing, and payment space. In addition, we prioritize transparency so our clients are well informed about how we can help them. 

We offer low prices so you can make the most of your profits. Additionally, we do not charge you excessive fees, and you only have to pay monthly without signing a long-term contract. Furthermore, with Treati, you can offer your customers a wide variety of payment options, so they always have the one they prefer. Finally, Treati is very integration friendly, so you can easily add features to your payment system. 

Treati also offers a wide variety of POS hardware for you to choose from. So no matter your business, you can find a solution with us. Our POS options allow you to streamline operations and cut down on costs with an easy all-in-one system for both online and in-person payments. We also offer round-the-clock customer support to resolve any issues that arise with your payment system. 

Finally, here at Treati, we are committed to protecting your business from fraud. Our service is fully PCI-compliant, and we will not charge an extra fee for this essential feature. We also work with our partners at CardConnect and ChargeSentry to ensure that when chargebacks do occur, clients are able to win them.